Slave's Honour Read online

Page 23

  Conor Brien lit an after breakfast cigar and watched the smoke drift up into the clear blue sky. The noises from the training ground drifted up across the lawns and reached his ears, making him smile contentedly. Somewhere down in one of the dungeons, Sir John Fitzgerald was reacquainting himself with Ayesha. One could almost pity the slave, he thought, but then she was tough and Sir John knew that she had a purpose to serve. Yes, he had those two where he wanted them. And there was the little Indian groom as well. All just where he wanted them.

  He laughed aloud and considered that perhaps he should have taken up chess.

  Brian gunned the engine of the CSL horsebox at the little airport. Beside him sat his two assistants, drowsy and content in post orgasm lethargy. Behind them the crates were safely stowed with their bruised and battered contents aching to stretch out in their home stable once more. Home. He couldn’t wait. The day was a hot English summer one and Brian could almost hear the drowsy buzzing of bees under the tall lime trees which lined the drive up to The Lodge. The girls dozed for most of the drive but just before they reached home, Amelia’s mobile sounded. She listened to it for a second, agreed with something the speaker said, giggled and broke the connection.

  “That was Carlo,” she said, turning to Brian. “He wants me to drive from just inside the gates. You’re to get out there.”

  If it hadn’t been for her mischievous grin, Brian might have been concerned that he had done something wrong and was due for a rocket.

  The gatekeeper saw them coming and once Brian had pulled through, he jumped down, Amelia shuffled over to sit behind the wheel and the horsebox growled off up the drive. Brian waved his thanks to the gatekeeper and began to walk along the tarmac just as he had done nervously earlier in the year.

  He rounded the first bend and stopped. His mouth dropped open in delight and he shattered the quiet with a whoop of exuberance. A few yards along, Carlo was lounging against a trap to which was harnessed Blondie. Her reins were looped over a low branch and occasionally she shook her head, irritated by flies. There was a jingling as she did so. But just beyond Carlo and his legendary favourite was another trap and harnessed to this one was his very own Perdita, waiting docile and tacked up, ready for her master’s return.

  “You did good, Brian,” Carlo said with his characteristic grin. “The Prince has spoken with John. He’s very pleased with our stock and the way you handled them.”

  “Thanks. It was quite a show!”

  Brian approached Perdita. She was blinkered but clearly heard his voice and her head came up. Her skin shivered as he stroked her flank, then ran his hand up to cup the silky smooth breastflesh. It came as quite a welcome change to handle an unwhipped slave and Brian took a firm grip, clenching his fingers deep into the heavy, strapped orb. Perdita champed on her bit.

  “Steady girl,” he cautioned her, as he caressed her pierced nipple. She might not have tasted the whip yet that day, but Perdita had most certainly been reminded of the duties of a dressage pony. Both slaves had the green and gold CSL plumes in the tops of their bridles. Both had their nipples pierced horizontally and all four piercings had tiny bells attached at each end. Their reins carried bells as well, as did the leather straps that ran through their crotches, tightly bisecting the labia and making them puff out to the sides so the onlooker was in no doubt that the studded lining was pressed lovingly against the clitoris. Brian ran his hand down and stroked Perdita’s labia. She arched her neck prettily and turned her head slightly so that he could see her large soft eyes, their dark pupils dilated with lust for her master.

  He ran his hand further between her legs, tracing the perineum towards the anus. Perdita immediately tensed, her bit rattled between her teeth and her tongue ring and she closed her eyes. Brian cast a puzzled glance at Carlo who just carried on grinning smugly. Brian unlooped Perdita’s reins from the branch and bent her forwards, then investigated the strap as it bisected the gracefully curving buttocks, which, he couldn’t help noticing were also clear of any whip marks. His fingers teased the strap away from her body and she moaned quietly. Her smacked her hard and then looked more closely at the strap before bursting out laughing.

  “Yep,” Carlo said happily. “Full Salazar studded tack! Blondie’s getting broken in to it too. I tell you Brian, they fuck like it’s going out of fashion after a run with studs right up their arses!”

  “Yeah? I’d like to try that!” Brian said, pulling Perdita upright again and stroking her back.

  “Come on then! Full gallop for home!” Carlo called as Brian climbed into his seat and unshipped the driving whip.

  “Giddup, Purdy!” he called and immediately scythed the whip back and forth across her shoulders, making her lean urgently into her work.

  Ignoring the drive, the two slave handlers steered out across the grass, following the tracks that traversed the golf course. Brian felt the warm wind fan his hair back as Perdita picked up her pace and widened her stride so that for a moment the two rigs were side by side. Before the two men the graceful backs of their slaves and their juddering buttocks beckoned to the whips. Laughing with the sheer joy of living, as one they began to lash their ponies into a full gallop, watching their long, powerful thighs lifting and pumping hard.

  Brian hardly cared that Blondie pulled steadily clear. He knew that Perdita was putting every ounce of effort she could into the run and anyway it gave him a perfect excuse to enjoy whipping her hard, he could hardly wait to sample the havoc he was wreaking in her tightly strapped cunt.

  But for the moment he was content to watch Perdita’s shoulders and back flex as she pulled him and enjoy the warm breeze, the rumble of the wheels across the grass and the smack of the whip as it raised welts and began to fetch a spray of sweat.

  Life just couldn’t get any better.

  ‘Last Slave Standing’ - the next book in the Arena series will be published soon.