Slave's Honour Read online

Page 13

  Perdita was asleep and started up in alarm as he shook her gently. Her magnificent breasts heaved as she looked around her in panic, surfacing from whatever dream had engulfed her. The moment her eyes fastened on the slice of apple he was holding she ducked her head forward and took a bite. Whether she was still half asleep or whether hunger had finally conquered her resistance, or whether it was simply because she was relieved to find his familiar figure beside her, he never found out, but the moment she tasted food once more she came back for more.

  After half an hour Brain called a halt, not wanting her to gorge after her fast. She had lapsed back into a deep exhausted sleep almost as soon as he had withdrawn the bowl he was feeding her from.

  Well pleased with the day’s progress he made his way to his quarters, showered, dressed and went for dinner. He was on duty afterwards and until the small hours of the morning was patrolling the dungeons. At last he shepherded the satiated, giggling Housegirls back to the wing of the house where they were quartered, ensured that those guests who were taking girls up to their rooms had everything they needed for the night before they led them off, checked all waste was properly disposed of and all lights were turned off. Then he sauntered across to the stableyard, his erection was pressing uncomfortably against his trousers and he urgently needed relief. It was a house rule that whichever member of staff was supervising the dungeons, they were not to partake of any of the slaves; no matter how inviting and plentiful were the mouths, anuses and cunts on display. That way there was always one male who was flogging as strongly, piercing as inventively and testing the girls as thoroughly at the end of a session as at the start. As he walked Brian made his choice, he could either wake one of the gladiators, summon a groom, jump into bed with Patti or he could sample the little Indian groom.

  She didn’t wake until he had undressed and had lifted her quilt. She lay with her limbs spread in the utter abandonment of the deeply asleep, her arms were up by her head and he studied the exciting contours of her breasts as they gently rose and fell, then he swept his eyes downwards and between her opened thighs he saw the rounded little split peach of her vulva. Under it the well-fleshed buttocks spread somewhat, taking her weight.

  “Mister Holden?” Her voice disturbed him, it was sleepy and soft, not at all alarmed or shrill like Perdita’s was so often. She willingly moved across as far as the narrow cot would allow as he slipped into the warmth beside her. Immediately he felt her small hand try and encompass his shaft about half way up its straining length.

  “Oh!” she sighed appreciatively. “That girl of yours! You must show her this, then beat her hard, master.”

  Brian smiled to himself in the dark as he felt Raika insinuate herself underneath him on her back, he rolled over and felt his cock come to rest nuzzling at the slick and soft lips of her sex. At the slightest push he felt them part easily and welcome him into the heat of her body and its lubricious embrace.

  He began to move inside her and she kissed his chest. He let his full weight come down onto her and slipped his hands down between their bodies, groping for the squashed breasts, finding them and starting to pinch and twist the nipples until her soft cries became groans and whimpers of pleasure. Then he started thrusting himself in earnest, jerking her bodily as he rammed himself in up to the neck of womb.

  “You… …need…..beating…..too… …Raika!” he ground out between gritted teeth at the peak of each thrust. In the dark he felt her arms lock behind his head, leaving his free to hurt her breasts all he wanted, her thighs tensed and he felt her lift her body to meet his, their pelvises began slapping together.

  “Yes, master,” she breathed and began to orgasm, jerking against him frantically as Brian himself began to pump hot wads of sperm deep into her, again and again until he was emptied.

  Rousing himself eventually from his post-orgasm lethargy and leaving Raika murmuring proudly in her warm and damp bed, he made his way out and back to the horsebox, undressed and settled down beside Perdita so that the first thing she saw would be her master – just as he had been the last thing she saw before sleeping. Letting out a long sigh as he contemplated the possibility of another fruitless day ahead of him he tried to relax. Beside him there was a faint rustling of the straw they slept on beneath the simple sheet. He glanced over and saw the whites of her large eyes gleaming softly in the dim light. Her lips parted and her small teeth shone briefly, then slowly, very slowly she shifted her position so that her head lay closer to his shoulder. There was a further adjustment and he felt, very, very softly, her lips touch the skin of his shoulder. He held his breath and there was a tickling feeling as her tongue lapped at him, tasting him.

  He put out a hand to stroke the swell of her flank and immediately she drew back. Cursing silently, Brian held himself still. In a few moments she resumed contact and this time he let her go at her own pace. The tongue licked more strongly, there was the suggestion of a kiss from the exploring lips. Best of all he felt the pressure from her breasts against his arm as her head raised and her lips mapped out his chest. The rustling next to him became louder as she wriggled a little further down, her hands firmly imprisoned behind her causing her to move awkwardly. He propped himself up on his elbows to watch her head with its thick, sleep-tangled mass of chestnut hair, move slowly down across his stomach. At the same time he could feel her mouth opening more and her caresses becoming more urgent.

  He reached down and slipped his boxers over his hips, then kicked them down to his knees. Perdita lifted her head until his semi-tumescent cock, was revealed, still partially lying on its nest of dark curly hair. Moving with real purpose now, Perdita knelt up and Brian divined her intention. He moved his right leg to one side and she was able to shuffle between his spread legs. Then with a soft mew of pleasure she bent down again and Brian felt soft lips and a warm tongue begin to caress his still-gleaming cock. If Perdita was put off by finding her master’s cock still redolent with the taste of another woman, she made no sign and ran her tongue in long strokes up the shaft of his cock until it began to throb and twitch its way back to full erection. Reaching down, Brian grasped it at its base and bent it so that it speared up vertically from his belly, seeming to dwarf her head.

  Her thick cascade of hair hid her face from him as she bent to her task but instead of feeling himself sink into a tight, welcoming mouth he felt instead the soft swells of her breastflesh swinging against his hardened shaft. He watched in delighted amusement as she swung her torso from side to side so as to feel him between her breasts. After a few moments she settled back onto her heels and ducked her head down. Brian gasped in pleasure as he felt her mouth close on him and her tongue begin to lap at his sensitive spot under the helm. Despite her rebelliousness she was no novice at fellatio and Brian found the length of travel she achieved straight down onto him very impressive, it betokened long practice at relaxing her throat to accommodate men.

  It was plain from the vigour of her sucking that she wanted him to ejaculate into her mouth and this gave Brian a problem. Should he allow her to or should he assert himself by deciding which entrance he finished in? It was quickly becoming quite urgent that he make his mind up as Perdita was nodding more and more quickly, dipping her head farther at each stroke. At last Brian found the answer; as he had just enjoyed a superb cunt, he would let Perdita take him in her mouth. He told himself that it was where he wanted to take her in any case and relaxed just in time to enjoy an exquisite orgasm as his cock pumped and flexed in her passionate mouth and his sperm was swallowed eagerly. It was the second ejaculation of the night but even so Brian was aware that he could reduce most of the Housegirls and gladiators to spluttering even on the third or fourth eruption, so Perdita showed real promise at last.

  She slept curled up beside him, her thigh thrown over his so that he could feel the fuzz at her crotch stroking his own thigh. Her breath tickled his shoulder as he drifted off himself.

  Chapter 12

  In the morning Brian was amongst the
first over at the kitchens, slicing fruit and pouring a bowl of cereal for Perdita, beside him, several of the grooms and Raika busied themselves doing the same, he smiled at the female banter that went on around him, the cooks having fun looking at the girls’ faces and trying to guess which ones had been ‘given a good seein’ to’ the previous night. They detected a sparkle in Raika’s eye and as he left the furiously blushing girl was being subjected to ribald comments from all sides. As he walked back across the yard he could hear the rest of the staff calling to each other and their charges. The gladiators were stamping and sweating at the hitching rail, tongue tethered. Carlo would have run them behind two traps, Patti driving the other. Two slaves pulled, selected by rota, and the rest of the stable trotted behind, held by leashes from their collars and their arms spread out on yokes. Inside the stables the nightsoiled straw was being shovelled out, the showers were warming up and any minute now they would be led in for hosing down, feeding, grooming and a short rest for digestion before the day’s work properly got underway.

  Carlo came out and gathered Blondie’s leash then saw Brian.

  “How’s it going? Any progress?” he called.

  Brian smiled. “Might be!” he called back and then, singing happily he made his way back to the horsebox.

  Forty-five minutes later he proudly deposited two empty bowls on the kitchen’s serving counter.

  “You got her eating Mr Holden?” the cook enquired, looking up from the hob where the members’ breakfasts were being prepared. He told her he had and she grinned broadly, “Good for you, Sir! She’ll be a pretty lass when you’ve got her sorted!”

  Brian sauntered into the main Dining Room and joined the other men at the hot plates filled with scrambled and fried eggs, bacon, sausages, mushroom, tomatoes, fried bread and every other sort of food a man might need inside him to face a hard day’s playing.

  “So how long before we’re able to take this slave of yours out for a drive, Brian?”

  Brian’s good humour evaporated. Josh Cordell was standing beside him, his perennial sneer even more pronounced than normal. Josh was, amongst other things, the master of Amber Oakley-Dean, the daughter of the Oakley-Dean twosome to whom Brian had been introduced on his first day. He disliked Josh intensely - but then he disliked Amber as well so usually he just steered clear of both - however he was well aware that Josh was the leader of the ‘Brian will never tame that hellcat’ school of thought. He pretended to think long and hard in order to give Josh time to look around and bask in Brian’s apparent embarrassment.

  “Ooh, don’t know, Josh….that’s a tough one!” he mused.

  “Yeah! She is that, Brian!” Josh snorted and got a laugh or two from some of his cronies.

  Brian smiled and sprang his trap. “Yes, I might not be able to spare her until this afternoon. That okay for you?”


  “Four o’clock?”


  “Outside the front door… … that a problem?”

  Josh snapped his jaw shut and regained his composure.

  “No, no problem, Brian. But let’s make this a bit more interesting. If you’ve got that bitch so well trained, how about we have a wager that she won’t be able to - or just plain won’t - pull me over a half mile course of my choosing.”

  “Taking into account your reputation with a whip, Josh, you won’t mind if I ask for observers along the route.”

  Josh grinned his cruel, lopsided sneer. “If you think she needs protecting; then, yes, I accept.”

  “I don’t think it’s a disgrace for even the best trained slave to need protecting from you when you’ve got a bet to win… …or lose.” Brian said quietly and turned away.

  His breathing was back under control by the time he joined Carlo at a table and explained, tight lipped, what had passed.

  “That is one very cruel man, Brian,” Carlo said thoughtfully. “I just hope we don’t end up with Perdita’s spirit broken before we even get started!”

  “I know, Carlo. I’m sorry, but he’s just got to me over the last few days!”

  “Gentlemen.” A voice broke in on them, it belonged to ‘Duke’ Dupont, one of the senior members. “Mr. Cordell wishes to declare the terms of the wager you have agreed to and Mr Carpenter has asked me to judge in the affair. Should the slave known as Perdita fail to pull the trap satisfactorily over the half mile course to be decided upon by Mr Cordell, he shall claim the services of the aforementioned slave for a period of not less than forty-eight hours at a time of his choosing and free of all restriction and oversight. However, should she fulfil her duties satisfactorily you will be entitled to full, and equally exclusive, access for an equal amount of time to the Housegirl Amber Oakley-Dean,” Dupont finished and stood waiting for a response.

  “Agreed,” Brian said eventually, “apart from my having access to Mr Hartnett’s Housegirl. I am only concerned to uphold the honour of the CSL stable.”

  Opposite him, Carlo nodded approvingly and Duke too acknowledged the sportsmanship before withdrawing.

  Brian ate a more hasty meal than he had planned and made straight for the horsebox when he had finished, on his way through the stableyard he barked out some terse instructions before marching out through the arch.

  To his immense pleasure he found Perdita prowling her stall, plainly anxious to get out and about now she was regaining her energy. His pleasure and pride in her were further enhanced when she made no protest at being yoked and allowed herself to be led out into the sunshine and tethered to a tree by the leash from her collar.

  Ensuring she was firmly tethered, Brian added a hobble chain between her ankles just to be sure before he left her for a few moments.

  Back in the stableyard he found that Penelope had been tacked up for him, as he asked, and was standing between the shafts of a trap. On the seat of the trap lay all the items he had requested. A groom stood prettily to attention by the pony’s head and handed the reins to him with a curtsy.

  It had been fortuitous that Penelope had been in stables at that time and Brian felt that as he had refused unfettered access to the filly, the dam could play a part in winning the bet for him.

  Settling himself in his seat, he flicked the driving whip back and forth across her neat buttocks and then rested the lash on her shoulder while he hauled her gently to the right. Her sandals clattered and scraped at the cobblestones as she leaned forwards and began to take the strain, behind her, jolting over the stones the rig began to swing round and head for the archway. Brian always enjoyed the brief period of echo as the trap jolted through the dark under the archway and the pony’s steel soled sandals clattered loudly. He suddenly felt his mood lift as he contemplated the challenge ahead and watched Penelope’s luscious buttocks shake as her pace picked up. Smiling, he cracked the whip to and fro across her back and shoulders and enjoyed the resonant smack of the cord on her skin.

  He reined Penelope in by the tree he had left Perdita tethered to and dismounted to lead her to the back of the trap and then slip the loop of her leash over his left wrist. That way he could control Penelope and pull Perdita along at the same time. He whipped Penelope back up to a walk and steered her along a path which took them round the indoor arena and into the woods beyond, once there he whipped her up to a trot. He wanted privacy when he introduced Perdita to the experience of wearing studded tack. He had no idea of whether or not she had ever come across any before and certainly didn’t want her making an exhibition of herself in front of club members.

  On the moss covered path beneath the beeches the wheels of the trap rumbled softly, Perdita padded silently on bare feet behind him and even Penelope’s steel soles were muffled. Brian sat back and enjoyed the brief moment of peace as the sunlight flickered in between the tall tree trunks, until the path began to slope downwards. At the bottom of the slope the stream which formed part of the assault course away on the right and the mud wrestling pit in a hollow away on the left would cross the path at a ford.
He whipped Penelope on harder, sending the lash over her shoulders to score her breasts and prevent her from following her instinct to lean back and slow down. With the obedience born of long experience, the pony threw herself down the slope and sprinted bravely into the shallow water, sending up splashes and stumbling a little on the rough stones, then the trap clattered after her, the wheel rims throwing up tails of spray and behind him he heard Perdita gasp at the cold but her leash tightened only slightly before they were all clear. Brian enthusiastically added to the latticework of red lines adorning Penelope’s back and backside as she struggled up the opposite slope until they were back on the level.

  Here, on the left, the fields where the real horses were grazed came up to the eaves of the wood and Brian pulled the snorting Penelope over to the fence.

  “Whoa, there! Good girl!” he told her softly as she came to a halt.

  He dismounted and came round to stand beside her, pulling Perdita after him. He spent a few minutes fondling her breasts and teasing her by putting his fingers up inside her, stirring her up and then withdrawing them. He watched with amusement as her eyes closed in pleasure and then widened in disappointment. The soft warmth and weight of her breasts, sporting their welts in pleasing cross hatched patterns made his cock begin to throb and thicken but he had work to do so he contented himself with using the loop of Perdita’s leash to whip Penelope’s nipples a few times. She sighed in contentment as he brought the hard leather down onto the rubbery lengths of her erected nubs. But when he unhitched her straight afterwards and led her over to a tree to tether her, from between her blinkers she gave him a mournful, reproachful stare. He looped her reins a few times over a low branch, hobbled her and went back to Perdita. He took her yoke off and led her over to a fence post then placed her hands on the top of it.